New Plant Care

 Some special care is required for your plants to succeed in their new home.

Please keep the following guidelines in mind when planting and caring for newly purchased plants.

How to Plant 

  • Water the plant in its container, fully saturating the soil.

  • Remove the plant from its container, and roughly loosen the roots.

  • Dig a hole 2-3 times the size of the pot and as deep as the root ball or top of the pot.

  • Fill the hole with water and allow the water to drain through completely.

  • Mix the native soil from the planting hole with up to 50% compost.

  • Place the plant into the hole, just deep enough to cover the top of the root ball with fresh soil. Keep the base of the plant stem at ground level.

  • Backfill the hole with the soil/compost mix, being sure to tamp down firmly to fill all the space around the root ball.

  • Water thoroughly. 

Notes for Planting Trees & Shrubs

  • After planting a tree, we recommend staking it from 2-3 sides to ensure it is planted securely.

  • When planting B&B (balled & burlapped) trees, leave the burlap and/or wire basket on the root ball.

  • Do not remove the twine from around the trunk of B&B trees until at least 2 months after planting.  After that point, cut the twine around the trunk and pull back or cut off the burlap from around the base of the tree.


  • New plantings need regular and consistent watering until root systems are established.

  • Regardless of “drought tolerant” labeling, all plants will need attentive care to ensure success. 

  • Water daily for the entire first season after planting.

  • Throughout the second season, water at least every 2-3 days or weekly until roots are established. Continue this for 1-2 years.

  • When watering newly planted shrubs & trees, let water run slowly for an hour with a soaker hose or dripline. (As roots grow and spread, irrigation volume will need to be increased and circumference of the hose expanded.)

  • New trees must be watered monthly through the winter if no snow is on the ground and the weather is consistently above 32 degrees.


  • Adding mulch to new plantings is recommended to hold moisture and prevent weed growth.  

  • Eliminate turf and weeds starting at the base of the plant, extending out several feet beyond the plant canopy.

  • Add a 1–3-inch layer of mulch around trees and shrubs in a circle that extends several feet beyond the tree or shrub canopy. 

Need help with diagnosing an issue with a plant?

If you feel any plants that you have purchased from us may be struggling, be sure to fill out the form below. A Schilling’s Garden Market Team Member will get back to you as soon as possible and work with you to troubleshoot the problem and recommend proper care and/or remedies.  Pictures are always helpful!  It can be quite a project to dig up items for return, so before you start, take some pictures and bring them in or send an email to for assessment.